Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Learn from the past, look to the future, and live wisely today."

     The technological revolution we are experiencing today i would have to say is similar, while at the same time very different from the second industrial revolution. The technological revolution we are experiencing today is for the most part is items being invented, just in a way that would make things more efficient for us. During the 1800s i would say the idea of inventing something was a lot more difficult that it is now.
     Resources were few back then, so you had to be fairly intelligent to create some so intricate and effective. In this day in time we have so many resources that it seems like the Internet could build something for us, all we would have to do is follow its instructions. I cannot say that the revolution we are experiencing today isn't doing anything for us. This breakthrough in technology has saved lived, improved efficiency in may aspects, and help the United States progress.
   I think that we can learn a lot from our forefathers though. Those men were very wise in what they did and how they did it. They took time through trial and error, and didn't give up until they accomplished what they started. I think we can learn a lot from that alone. Success doesn't come easy, it comes with time, patience, and hard work.
 In closing i would like to say that the Second Industrial Revolution changed the way we as Americans looked at life, and also changed the we operated. Im sure there are many more revolutions to come in the future, and we must not be to anxious to get there. Cause when it does come, greatest will happen.


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