Thursday, March 10, 2011

What effect does it have on me now?

Industrial Revolution??? Huh? What does it have to do with me?
       That might be the reply you would get from someone today. What did the Industrial Revolution have to do with me one may ask. The importance of the IR on this country was very crucial. Many of the things that we have today wouldn't have even been thought about yet. Cell phones, Computers, Cars, high power electricity, sky scrappers, and everything else under the sun wouldn't have even come to happen if it weren't for the revolution.
   I think that the Industrial Revolution hit us at the perfect time. The first Industrial Revolution accounted for first took off in Europe. Over there they were starting to make major advances in different post, and were successful at it. The time were it hit the United States bought both prosperity and hope of a better tomorrow for the country . Although for some the time period was very hard, the boom the the Second Industrial Revolution was a starting platform for America to succeed. 

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